Sunday, October 11, 2009

Watercolors at the Locks

I've been wanting to get out and paint at the locks for a while but never got to it until now. I'm starting with tonal studies then I'll move on to color soon. Watercolors are still kinda foreign to me but with time I think I'll get use to painting this way. I like how I have to be deliberate with my brush strokes. It's nice to just "nut up or shut up" when painting. :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

FRED bot

I was thinking about how technology seems to improve so fast its becoming hard to keep up. So here's my spin on that.


Here a few concepts I did at Naughty Dog between projects.
They wanted a line art drawing and a black and white painting of Anchor-Wot.

Here's a few comps I did for the final piece.

These images are the property of Sony Entertainment.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fly Fighter

I thought it funny to see a robot, that was programmed to fight, combat a fly... and lose. This is my first take on that.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I had an idea for a sort story at involved a character with short stubby arms. I draw this one down to remind me to come back to this story when I have time.

Random Sketches

I was out at a coffee shop with a buddy drawing and through this together.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Robot Sketches

These are a few sketches for an idea of a game about playing with magnet pulls. The aesthetic isn't quite there yet. It doesn't match based on the story I was think of, so I'll keep at it.